Dealer Inquiries
Dealer Inquiry Please print and fill out the 2 page Dealer Application below. Return the completed and required documents to us using the information below. Processing may take 1-7 business days, you will be notified by email when your account is set up, at that time you will also be emailed a price sheet.
Page 1 http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg598/racheal_bdm1/DealerAppage1.jpg Page 2 http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg598/racheal_bdm1/DealerAppage2.jpg
We will also need a copy of one of the following forms:
- Business License
- Tax Identification Number (A copy of the Form, not just the number)
- Federal Firearms License
This information may either be faxed in or emailed to us at one of the following:
- Fax number:208-466-9479
- Email: Racheal@blackdogmachinellc.net
THERE IS A MINIMUM ORDER OF 10 TO QUALIFY- YOU CAN MIX AND MATCH PRODUCT. Please Note: All orders must be pre-paid via credit card (V, D, MC, AMEX) or C.O.D.